Here’s what happened in the news involving all things MOOC!
- edX rejected by Amherst: By Inside Higher Ed (4/19/2013 . After several weeks of discussion, Amherst college decided not to join this MOOC provider. Although there was support at Amherst for increased use of online courses, Amherst’s professors ultimately vetoed the prospect of joining edX. Amherst was unable, at least at this tim,e to reconcile the MOOC movement with Amherst’s mission to provide education in a “purposefully small residential community” and “through close colloquy?”
- Asia’s First Mooc (4/17/2013)–Coursera ‘s first ‘Asian MOOC’ on “Science, Technology and Society in China” draw 17,000 students from throughout the world including a large potion of US students.
- Competancy Based Credit Inside Higher ed (4/17/2013)- The idea of gaining some kind of formal credit though examinations is key to the ways that many moocs plan to monitize their services. If the trend of awarding competency based credit continues, then it will obviously only increase the appeal of MOOC providers that want to provide competency based final test.