MOOC Resources
On MOOC Providers
- MOOC Rev’s list of MOOC providers
- Top 10 Sites for MOOCs : go here to see a quick write up about MOOC‘s and where you can get more information.
- : – find MOOCS that you can take and where to register.
- EtMooc : Resources about all things MOOC
- MOOCS are here to stay
- Wikepdia’s MOOC article
- Interactive MOOC complettion Rate Chart
First Hand Reviews of Actual MOOCS
- Berkeley’s 2.1 Stats Course (edX Course)
- Berkley’s 2.0 Stats Course (edX Course)
Education/Pedagogic Resources
- Why not all schools need MOOCS: A balanced article asking the questions each university should answer prior to blindly jumping on the MOOC bandwagon , read at Inside Higher ed.
- What Campus Leaders Need to know about MOOCS (pdf,)
- NYT’s The Trouble with Online Education (February 18, 2013)
- MOOCs and Open Education: Implications for Higher Education (March 2013)
Montization Of MOOCS/ Ethics
- Inside Higher Ed’s Ethics article (March 25, 2013)
- Mit Sloan’s article : Will edX put Harvard and MIT out of Business? (April 2013)
- Bill Bowen’s Book Higher Education in the Digital Age
If you know of any other good MOOC resources, please put them in the comments and I’ll add them to the lists above or create a new one if necessary.